Our Features

Qwotable has some features you might want to check out

Easy to share and copy quotes and wisdom

With small buttons on the card, you can easily copy and share quotes and wisdom.

Different languages

Qwotable is available in English, German and French!

At a glance

You want to see quotes from a specific author? Or only from one source? No problem, by clicking on the author or the source, you are only one step away from doing this!

Always informed

Qwotable offers an "Information" page in his app in order to inform you, the user, about latest changes, problems, etc. I have yet to make it better.

Qwotable you!

Starting with Android 12, Google announced the implementation of what is called "Material You". For developers, they began to publish "Material 3" with the dynamic color scheme. Qwotable uses this starting Android 12+. Apart from that, you can chose from 2 colors.

Last updated